American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

Download hom/haiweeite.pdf
Plasil J, Fejfarova K, Cejka J, Dusek M, Skoda R, Sejkora J
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 718-723
Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2*6H2O
Locality: Teofilo Otoni, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0019934
18.3000 14.2331 17.9192 90 90 90 Pbcn
atom        x      y       z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
U1     .24799 .12566 .034427     .01044  .0202 .00590 .00521 .00036 -.00001 -.0003
U2     .25411 .37558  .13863     .00964  .0174 .00550  .0060 .00020  .00013 -.0006
Ca     .01502  .8775  .13941      .0328  .0235  .0358  .0391 -.0045   .0043 -.0085
Si1    .24794  .3757 -.03695      .0120  .0249  .0058  .0053  .0023  -.0043  -.001
Si2    .25733  .1249  .20948      .0155   .034  .0060  .0061 -.0011  -.0019   .000
Si3     .1518  .1765   .3346      .0188   .023  .0167   .016 -.0042  -.0017  .0033
Si4     .2257  .3761  .33566      .0162  .0308  .0096  .0083  -.001   .0002 -.0013
Si5     .6434  .0704   .1641      .0168   .024  .0146  .0116  .0015   .0011  .0015
O1      .3209  .3724  -.0906       .026
O2      .1575  .3700   .1472       .024
O3      .1874  .1228   .2640       .025
O4      .2445  .2879   .0201       .015
O5      .2532  .0383   .1541       .013
OH6     .0648  .1658   .3307       .033
O7      .3521  .3793   .1275      .0206
O8      .3295  .1240   .2613      .0233
O9      .2745  .3783   .2613       .025
OH10    .5547  .0806   .1601       .034
O11     .2494 -.0369   .0179       .016
O12     .2604  .2135   .1534       .020
O13     .1708  .2849   .3323       .029
O14     .2717  .3746   .4112       .026
O15     .1772  .3762  -.0930       .025
Wat16   .0480 1.0429   .1545       .062
O17     .1672  .4632   .3355       .029
Wat18  -.0796  .9273   .2290 .50   .066
Wat19  -.0940  .7925   .1114       .053
Wat20   .0474   .812   .0137 .50   .090
Wat20'  .0374   .874   .0080 .50   .090
Wat21   .0531  .7134   .1513 .50   .051
Wat21'  .0463  .7258   .1929 .50   .051
O22     .1504  .1248   .0458      .0226
O23     .3452  .1270   .0257      .0226
Wat24    .075  1.022  -.0745 .50   .086
Wat24'   .054  1.016  -.0446 .50   .086
Wat25    .470   .002    .056 .50   .147
Wat25'   .486  -.110    .160 .50   .147
Wat26    .458  -.206    .051 .50   .064
Wat26'   .451  -.181    .018 .50   .064
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Download hom/haiweeite.pdf
Burns P C
Download cm/vol39/CM39_1153.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 39 (2001) 1153-1160
A new uranyl silicate sheet in the structure of haiweeite and comparison to
other uranyl silicates
_database_code_amcsd 0005732
7.125 17.937 18.342 90 90 90 Cmcm
atom        x      y     z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
U(1)        0 .39036   1/4     .0126  .0077  .0085  .0215      0      0      0
U(2)      1/2 .28612   1/4     .0149  .0089  .0091  .0266      0      0      0
Si(1)       0  .2148   1/4     .0169  .0095  .0011  .0399      0      0      0
Si(2)     1/2  .4608   1/4     .0230  .0069  .0093  .0527      0      0      0
Si(3)   .1079  .0871 .3524  .5 .0161  .0088  .0170  .0224  .0017  .0016  .0001
Si(4)       0  .5858 .2744  .5 .0125  .0090  .0063  .0222      0      0 -.0007
Ca(1)       0  .3887 .4850  .5 .0404  .0726  .0270  .0219      0      0 -.0033
O(1)        0  .1606 .3212     .0285  .0274  .0217  .0365      0      0  .0143
O(2)      1/2  .5154 .3199     .0360  .0203  .0188  .0690      0      0 -.0072
O(3)     .324  .4049   1/4     .0272  .0090  .0136  .0591 -.0037      0      0
O(4)     .177  .2703   1/4     .0258  .0079  .0123  .0573 -.0026      0      0
O(5)        0  .3899 .3470     .0477  .0371  .0840  .0220      0      0 -.0177
O(6)        0   .509  .274  .5 .0295  .0312  .0421  .0153      0      0  .0122
O(7)      1/2  .2873 .3485     .0409  .0286  .0715  .0226      0      0  .0139
O(8)      1/2  .1623 .2727  .5 .0126
O(9)    -.176  .5845 .3316  .5 .0285  .0098  .0339  .0417 -.0045  .0087  .0005
OH(10)   .083   .088 .4390  .5 .0428  .0241  .0746  .0297  .0064  .0127 -.0062
Wat(11)  .172   .092  .551 .25 .0633  .0686  .1108  .0105 -.0791 -.0110  .0164
Wat(12)  .102   .271  .453 .25 .0929  .2047  .0427  .0314  .0760  .0017 -.0155
Wat(13) -.107   .520  .422 .25 .0474  .0510  .0353  .0557 -.0054  .0255 -.0166
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